Jouw privacy bescherming centrum

Veel gestelde vragen
Wat is DNS?
Wat is AdGuard DNS?
Hoe werkt AdGuard DNS?
Wat kan AdGuard DNS doen?
Wat maakt AdGuard DNS privacy-georiënteerd?
Wat is DNSCrypt?
Werkt AdGuard DNS in alle browsers en apps?
Hoe AdGuard DNS te configureren?
Wat is DoH en DoT?
Wat is DoQ?
Wat is DNSSEC?
Waarom is AdGuard DNS gratis?
Op wat voor apparaten kan ik AdGuard DNS gebruiken?
Welke poorten gebruikt AdGuard DNS?
Ik heb wat problemen of vragen die niet in de Veelgestelde vragen (FAQ) voorkomen. Wat kan ik doen?
AdGuard DNS-serverlocaties
One DNS to rule them all
I have tested all paid DNS and i always come back to Adguard-DNS.
Because unlike next-dns (dead development) they actively develop new technologies and RFC to make DNS better.
Also unlike ControlD they don't integrate a massive amount of service p1
Ramel Good DNS service Thanks ADGUARD TEAM
Thanks Thanks God for this website
Only way to block ads on Android (together with AdGuard Android app) that is effective.
Sadly, Both Android and biggest ad system is made by Google, So Google made a lot of efforts to make it not easy to block ads in Android.
1. In their Chrome for Android they don't allow extensions.
2. They disallow to push hosts file via adb (marks1
Adguard user It's amazing and it makes your whole phone just so much better and it doesn't seem to slow down anything
Diana Good DNS for a router, yet a little clunky on iOS
AdGuard DNS gratis proberen
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