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Adguard DNS는 앱을 통합하는데 사용할 수 있는 REST API를 제공합니다.


Generate Access token

Make a POST request for the following URL with the given params to generate the access_token:


usernameAccount email
passwordAccount password
mfa_tokenTwo-Factor authentication token (if enabled in account settings)

In the response, you will get both access_token and refresh_token.

  • The access_token will expire after some specified seconds (represented by the expires_in param in the response). You can regenerate a new access_token using the refresh_token (Refer: Generate Access Token from Refresh Token).

  • The refresh_token is permanent. To revoke a refresh_token, refer: Revoking a Refresh Token.

Example request

$ curl 'https://api.adguard-dns.io/oapi/v1/oauth_token' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'username=user%40adguard.com' \
-d 'password=********' \
-d 'mfa_token=727810'

Example response

"access_token": "jTFho_aymtN20pZR5RRSQAzd81I",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "H3SW6YFJ-tOPe0FQCM1Jd6VnMiA",
"expires_in": 2620978

Generate Access Token from Refresh Token

Access tokens have limited validity. Once it expires, your app will have to use the refresh token to request for a new access token.

Make the following POST request with the given params to get a new access token:


refresh_tokenREFRESH TOKEN using which a new access token has to be generated.

Example request

$ curl 'https://api.adguard-dns.io/oapi/v1/oauth_token' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'refresh_token=H3SW6YFJ-tOPe0FQCM1Jd6VnMiA'

Example response

"access_token": "xQnT7GYT6Ag--3oY_EcOOdXe-I0",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "H3SW6YFJ-tOPe0FQCM1Jd6VnMiA",
"expires_in": 2627999

Revoking a Refresh Token

To revoke a refresh token, make the following POST request with the given params:


Request Example

$ curl 'https://api.adguard-dns.com/oapi/v1/revoke_token' -i -X POST \
-d 'token=H3SW6YFJ-tOPe0FQCM1Jd6VnMiA'
refresh_tokenREFRESH TOKEN which is to be revoked

Accessing API

Once the access and the refresh tokens are generated, API calls can be made by passing the access token in the header.

  • Header name should be Authorization
  • Header value should be Bearer {access_token}



Please see the methods reference here.

OpenAPI spec

OpenAPI specification is available at https://api.adguard-dns.io/static/swagger/openapi.json.

You can use different tools to view the list of available API methods. For instance, you can open this file in https://editor.swagger.io/.


The complete AdGuard DNS API changelog is available on this page.


If you would like this API to be extended with new methods, please email us to devteam@adguard.com and let us know what you would like to be added.